Sunday, May 22, 2011

Paint Wars

So tonight I was involved in a paint war. And yes it is EXACTLY what it sounds like. It was a war with paint as the weapons. I learned a lot about how to use my weapons smartly. First, make sure that you have as much ammunition as possible. I had 2 paint bottles in my hands and once those were done I made sure to grab another one. It was super fun and I recommend this to anyone who is bored and has paint in their house. So we did this for Joey's birthday and he DEFINITELY had a blast. Nicole had a shower cap on because she did her hair and didn't want it to get ruined and in the end she lucked out the most. She was the cleanest of all. Janet was smart with her tactics. At first she was saying not to use "the stuff" until we got to the "War zone" but she was attacking everyone AKA hypocrite! And then there was Vera who, by the end of the war was all grey because she was attacked by everyone, every color, and every possible spot on her body you can think of was covered in paint. Thankfully the paint was washable so we were all able to get cleaned up. It was fucking awesome!

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